Saturday, November 15, 2014

New Work and New Gallery

At the Intersection 36x60 inches

Megan from Canvas Gallery in Toronto just picked up some of my new paintings this morning. A few are pictured here.
I am so excited to be showing my work at Canvas Gallery!

Candy Forest 36x60 inches

Fall by the Water 24x60 inches

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

New Paintings at AyrSpace

 Grand River at Dawn 24x60
AyrSpace's Christmas Opening is coming up Friday November 14, 2014. 
Dropped off the paintings shown here a couple of weeks ago to be part of the show.

 Last Light 10x30
 Fall Forest 24x60
 Fall Foliage 12x24
Summer Storm 12x24