Monday, November 23, 2009

Study of limes on stripes

This is a study for the larger still life I am working on. I am trying to work out how best to tackle the striped background. It has a black stripe in the pattern. I mix my black from ultramarine blue and raw umber. Does anyone else mix their own black or do you use it straight from a tube? Thoughts?


  1. Nice color combinations. You certainly like the complicated fabrics :) Again, I think it is a matter of working out the values, and suggesting the stripes later. I know everyone out there mixes black using ultramarine blue and another color, but sometimes I feel I just have to use it straight from the tube. I like the thickness of your paint in this study.

  2. I do like the complicated fabrics and then I have to keep repeating to myself - is the fabric the subject of the painting or a supporting piece. One of these days I will nail it and not look at another piece of complicated fabric again!

  3. This is beautiful, Tammy. I love the colors and texture of the paint. I also often use black straight out of the tube.

  4. Love your work Tammy. Thanks for following my led me to you. I mix my blacks and my favorite is alizeran and viridian with just a touch or ultramarine. I like the ability to make the black (dark) lean towards warm or cool.
